Friday, September 17, 2010

Serious Dilemma, or Doing What Ya Gotta Do?

So, I'm out of a job. I'm jobless. I have no income. Kaput. Broke. No Cash. Nada.

I've got to get employed, right?
Well, I have, sort of. I'm waiting for a call about what day I will start working. The issue lies in just what kind of work I will be doing.


In a restaurant that I worked up until about a month after I went vegan, I will again be serving. It's not so bad on Sunday, on which day I will only be hostessing, and on which day I will not have to bring sausage or burgers out to anyone. But the other three nights of the week that I will be working will be full-on, in-your-face waitressing at its finest. "Would you like bleu cheese on the side, or on the sandwich?" "How well would you like that to be cooked?" I can't imagine how I am to handle this.

But I need the job. I need to pay for college, and I've applied at grocery stores, smoothie joints, hardware stores, repair shops, flower shops, gift shops, and anywhere else that was hiring. I've applied as a nanny, a personal assistant, a customer service rep, a salesperson, and more. I've sent in resumes for a dog walker, a dog washer, a kennel assistant (I know, right?), and even as a "plant waterer." I can't get hired anywhere else, and the staff at the restaurant is really sweet.

There's not much I can do at this point to evade my fate as a waitress serving up flesh and blood if I wish to have any plans for my future. I can't find work elsewhere, even after applying at more than twenty establishments. There's not a whole lot to be done other than take the job and no bite the hand that feeds. It won't interfere with me encouraging a vegan lifestyle and fighting for animals. There's nothing that could stop me from doing that.

I guess I will just have to grin and bear it and never stop suggesting "The house salad, with vinegar and oil."
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